Saturday, 20 March 2021

Spore mines

Another batch painting - this time, everyone's favorite Tyranid spore mines 馃榿 Plus, and it's the second 3D print I worked with. 
Kolejny batch painting, tym razem ukochane przez wszystkich tyranidzkie miny. Zarazem, drugie modele 3D kt贸re malowa艂em.

In general - Tyranid mines are a hard to come by, quite old, GW low quality resin - conveniently, a nice 3D printer solves all of these problems at once 馃槆 I used the the same file, printed in 2 different heights, 9 and 24 times, to represent ex. spore and meiotic ones.

W skr贸cie - Tyranidzkie miny s膮 ci臋偶kim do kupienia, starym, 偶ywicznym zestawem GW. 呕aden problem kt贸rego drukarka 3D by nie rozwi膮za艂a馃槆 U偶y艂em tego samego pliku, wydrukowanego w dw贸ch r贸偶nych wysoko艣ciach, 9 i 24 razy, do reprezentowania dw贸ch r贸偶nych rodzaj贸w min.

At first, there was a tiny bit of cleaning in the spots where the supports were attached. But still, way less than mold lines on every single possible plastic element.
I also glued them to the plastic bases. Although, I must note that this will be another top-heavy tyranid model 馃様

Na pocz膮tku by艂o skrobanie - w miejscach gdzie do modelu zamocowane by艂y podpory na czas druku. Niemniej, by艂o z tym o wiele mniej pracy ni偶 zazwyczaj przy usuwaniu linii podzia艂u formy z ka偶dego jednego plastikowego elementu馃様

I than primed and basecoated everything, and tested the wash. Looked okay.
Nast臋pnie zapodk艂adowa艂em i pomalowa艂em wszystkie miny, oraz zacz膮艂em testowa膰 wash. Wygl膮da艂o okej.

It was than pretty straightforward to paint the rest. Than some "quick" 9 + 24 bases and I was done.
Pozosta艂o jedynie pomalowa膰 reszt臋, i zrobi膰 szybkie 9+24 postawek.

Big ones:
Du偶e miny:

Short ones:
Ma艂e miny:

And the entire volatile family 馃槄
I na koniec ca艂a rozrywkowa rodzinka 馃槄

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