Venomthropes, Zoanthtopes and their older brothers Neurothropes form the "medium size class" of Tyranids, sitting somewhere between small gants and larger hive tyrants/carnifexes. In 2020 I hadn't got any, so I decided to fix that before the year's end 馃槒
Venomthropy, Zonahthropy i Neurothropy to pierwsze ze "艣redniej" jaksy Tyranid贸w kt贸re pomalowa艂em do mojej armii. Wi臋ksze ni偶 gaunty, mniejsze ni偶 Carnifexy i Hive Tyranty, taki idealnie por臋czny rozmiar do 40k.
In my usual style, I skipped the half-measures and went directly to painting. 3 Neurothropes, 12 Zoanthropes and 12 Venomthropes should be pretty enough to cover my army's needs. And with the COVID raging, the opportunities for an Apocalypse scale battles are few and far between (unless things get so bad that we won't need our plastic minis for that 馃槶). As usual, painted in parts (quicker + easier).
W moim zwyczajowym stylu, pomni膮艂em p贸艂艣rodki i od razu pomalowa艂em 12 Venomthrop贸w, 12 Zonahthrop贸w i 3 Neurothropy. Powinno to by膰 absolutnie wystarczaj膮co na potrzeby 40k, a na granie Apokalipsy w czasach COVIDa niepr臋dko si臋 zanosi. Jak zwykle, by艂y malowane w cz臋艣ciach (szybciej + 艂atwiej).
I started painting from the Neurothropes. Those are 3D printed models that my friend did for me. I like everything except quite bland brainy parts.
Malowanie zacz膮艂em od Neurothrop贸w - chcia艂em zobaczy膰 na paru figurkach jak b臋dzie na nich wygl膮da艂 m贸j schemat.
Humble beginnings of 25 minis:
Skromne pocz膮tki 25 figurek:
Body ready to go:
Pierwsze pomalowane cia艂o:
Aaaand the Neurothropes were finished!
Uko艅czone obytrzy modele.
They were than glued and based. Not bad 馃榾
Posklejany i zapodstawkowany nie wygl膮da 藕le 馃榾
For Zoanthropes and Neurothropes I decided to not split my work into batches, but just progressively paint every category of parts (bodies, claws, tails, whips etc).
Do malowania, zdecydowa艂em si臋 nie rozdziela膰 cz臋艣ci do Zoanthrop贸w i Neurothrop贸w na poszczeg贸lne modele, tylko pogrupowa膰 je razem i sukcesywnie malowa膰 kolejne grupy (pazury, g艂owy, cia艂a itp).
Finally, after a few weeks, all the parts were painted, varnished and ready for the final assembly.
W ko艅cu, po kilku tygodniach, uda艂o mi si臋 pomalowa膰 i polakierowa膰 wszystkie cz臋艣ci:
One last thing remained todo: bases de luxe 馃榿.
There was one significant problem of Neutothropes and Venomthropes: this models are quite top-heavy, thus unstable and prone to tipping. To solve this I opted for using lead shot (<2mm balls) that I just immobilized with some old resin. Surely that added some weight.
Na koniec pozosta艂o zrobienie podstawek de luxe 馃榿
Niestety, ale Neurothropy i Venomthropy s膮 藕le wywa偶one - do艣膰 du偶y model, wspieraj膮cy si臋 na cienkim, d艂ugim ogonie. W standardowe podstawki GW wrzuci艂em 艣rut o艂owiany (<2mm 艣rednicy) kt贸ry zala艂em star膮 偶ywic膮, co pomaga utrzyma膰 je w pionie.
All that was left to do was to assemble and base the models. Brain bugs:
Jedyne co pozosta艂o do zrobienia to sklei膰 wszystko w ca艂o艣膰 i zrobi膰 szybkie podstawki. M贸zgi:
And the smelly bugs:
I te 艣mierdz膮ce:
Small side note on these models - they look beautiful, they're so alien and perfectly fitting tyranids vibe. Which paradoxally creates a problem - whips (or tentacles?) extend in every possible direction, making this models impossible to use in the close combat in any numbers greater than 2. Just look at the photo, that's how close I managed to "squeeze" them together. Playing them is going to be a nightmare.
"Drobny" problem z modelami Venomthrop贸w polega na tym, 偶e dok艂adnie te macki kt贸re sprawiaj膮 偶e wygl膮daj膮tak ob艂臋dnie Tyranidzko, sprawiaj膮 r贸wnie偶 偶e kompletnie nie da si臋 uch u偶ywa膰 w walce wr臋cz. Na zdj臋ciu wida膰 jak blisko uda艂o mi si臋 ustawi膰 12 modeli, a to i tak po dobrym kombinowaniu. Granie nimi na stole, je艣li dojdzie do walki wr臋cz, b臋dzie dos艂ownie dramatem.
That said, we can finally move to the gallery 馃榿 First, Zoanthropes:Galeria ko艅cowa 馃榿 Najpierw Zoanthropy:
Three Neurothropes:
Trzy Neurothropy:
And their brains:
I wszystkie m贸zgi:
Finally, the bad smelling Venomthropes:
Na koniec Venomthropy:
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